
Explore Morden Winkler Supports Development of EV Charging Stations

Regional tourism advocacy group Explore Morden Winkler (EMW) recently adopted a position in support of electric vehicle charging stations in the region as one more way to encourage tourism.

The full statement reads:

“The board of Explore Morden-Winkler recognizes that the rapid growth of the electric and hybrid vehicle industry represents not only a positive development for the environment but also for tourism growth as an increasing number of travelers take to the roads in these vehicles. As such Explore Morden Winkler supports and will advocate for the development of electric charging stations within our region and will support any organization, public or private, in their endeavors to make this happen.”

“This is our small way of saying that if there are local businesses or organizations wanting to implement EV stations we support and encourage you,” said EMW executive director Shane Neufeld. “The number of electric and hybrid car owners continues to grow and we want to give them another reason to visit our beautiful region – it helps our local economy and demonstrates our leadership.”

The position was officially adopted by EMW at its June board meeting.

MEDIA – For more information about this initiative contact Neufeld at 204-384-9170 or email him at